Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chess/Checker Tournament

Last Saturday Bill and I took Megal and Dorrein to a chess/checker tournament hosted by our Mentoring Network at the King Center. It was to honor January as Mentoring Awareness month. It was a great day and had a lot of fun. It was more than just chess and checkers. We had lots of board games to play. A few of the kids I know from Kids Explosion came and that was fun. I hadn't seen them for a while. We played a game of Monopoly with them. Dorrein, Megal, Kathleen, and myself played a game of Chinese Checkers. The kids enjoyed that as well. It was just a great day just hanging around the King Center Playing games. Megal won the trophy and he was really excited. This Friday at the ranch, Charlie is going to bring his chess board and play chess with Megal. After the games, Hakim Crampton hosted an open poetry mic. That was really good. He is encouraging people to take the mic, and share their hearts. I took a few pictures, so take a look by clicking the link to the right called Chess/Checker Tournament.

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