Monday, July 27, 2009

Our First Weekend with Rodeo

Well, we had another great fun weekend. We had a small group of 6 teenage boys.
We think they had a good time. When you look at the pictures you can see a change in countenance from the time they arrived to the time they left. Chris's Mom and Dad came from Texas for a visit and they were happy to see Chris enjoying herself helping with the kids. Larry, Chris and I got a bucket of water dumped on us during the water fight. Larry and I did not retaliate, however, Chris did get the kids back!
They really liked the archery and the food!! During campfire activities, Andre was praised for his part in making sure Chris's parents got their meal. Andre even left his dinner, to "fetch" their meal and serve them. It was a very touching moment because Andre got off his seat at the campfire and gave Chris a HUGE hug. After that it was kind of silent for a few seconds! Nothing more needed to be said.
Wow, that scene was the ranch in a nutshell! Loving and respecting each other as people is what we want to teach the kids. Our first mini rodeo actually went well. All riders and horses performed with no incidents, (probably because Jan prayed for our safety first before we rode, God really favors her!) The "yuts" (kids) enjoyed the rodeo and commented that with practice it will just get better. Katie was our Indian and dressed Oreo up in Native American garb. The "yuts" (they didn't want to be called kids) all put paint on their hands and put hand prints all over Oreo. That was fun to watch. Anyway, take a look at the pictures on the link at the right marked July 25th and 26th.

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