Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kids Explosion Pizza Party

For the last two Saturdays, we have had a group of Kids Explosion kids here for a pizza party. The kids won a trip to the ranch for learning their weekly bible verses during the Kids Explosion Parties. Both weekends went well and the kids had a great time. The weather did not permit us to ride horses, however, we still had fun down at the barn spending time with them, and playing in the hay!
We had pizza, and played games, and had a coloring contest with prizes. All the kids went home with a Lazy B's Ranch Activity Book and a prize for playing the game.
Take a look at the pictures by clicking the link to the right "Kids Explosion Pizza Party".

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mark Your Calendars - March 27, 2010

We are planning another silent auction/dinner at New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship this spring. Last year's benefit was a big success and we expect this year's to be even better. The dinner this year will be a little different. We have a mystery menu planned. MMMMM!!! what's up with that??? Come and see what is on the menu and what's going on at the ranch this year. There will be a lot of auction items to bid on. I will update you with more details on the auction items as they come in. Come and support the kids that come to the ranch. More details to come.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Young Travelers - Jan/Feb 2010

We started another Young Travelers group last week. Four boys, Casey, Jonathan, Megal, and Jalen are going to work with the guys in Bill's shop making leather belts, and wood key chains. As soon as the weather cooperates, we will also take the boys on a trail ride. The boys will come for 8 weeks on Mondays after school. We are going thru the book, The Young Traveler's Gift, by Andy Andrews. The first week was orientation and getting to know the boys. This past Monday, we talked about responsibility and making right choices. This is always a must when we talk to the kids. This group of boys are a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to getting to know them better.
We have a great group of mentors: Rufus, Bill, Charlie, Jerry, Larry, and Gary. The men are very excited about getting to the know boys as well. Donna, Dawn, and I are providing some "female" insight to the discussion group. Casey's mom brought Chili the first Monday, Sloppy Joes the second Monday, and next week making stew. WE LOVE CASEY'S MOM!!!! You go girl!!! Take a look at pictures by clicking "Young Travelers Jan 2010" at the right.