Thursday, May 21, 2009

Horse Safety Clinic

Saturday we held our first horse clinic for anyone who wanted to help with horses this summer. We learned a lot and had a lot of fun. We have new faces to the ranch and looking forward to getting to know the new wranglers. Following the safety clinic we had a party with a celebration cake to honor our volunteers. We really appreciate their time and efforts at the ranch. We surely could never do it without them. Bill and Kathy Latocki and Jan Livernois helped prepare a great meal and we all had a good time. Many thanks to those guys! Bill Latocki had his camera out, so I am sure he has some great photos. We will post them as soon as we get them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Saturday Fun at The Ranch

Chris has been bringing her mentees to the ranch for a while now. Bill and I have become great friends of these kids and really enjoy seeing them. Sarah and Ron also have taken advantage of what the ranch has to offer. They brought their mentees and had great fun outside on a beautiful Saturday in April. Lots of stuff to do at the ranch and it costs nothing but a little bit of time.
Archery was the highlight for mentor, Ron. He would not give up until he got a bulls-eye. Unfortuneately, I did not have my camera to capture this accomplishment but I did take a few other pictures that day. Take a look at them by clicking photo album "Saturday Fun at the Ranch".

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Getting the Trail Ready

Bill and Antonio are getting ready for the trail. We added a new gate to the arena so that the flow of horse traffic would go smoother and not interfere with the archery area. Antonio is an 11 year old boy who came to visit this week and spent two days helping Bill with "man's work" around the ranch. He is a great kid and he will be coming back to help us when he is finished with school. We like to teach the kids that having horses does include a "little" bit of work!! He rode Oreo and did quite well with his riding. It is amazing that we find a lot of kids just have a knack for horses and really relate to them.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Yee Haw Kids

Even on a rainy day in May, our ranch kids can have fun. Today we played with taking pictures, playing musical instruments, wearing cowgirl hats, and made bracelets and painted sun catchers. The rain never gets us down. We always find some fun without the sun.