Last night we went to the 3 Bar B Rodeo in Adrian Michigan. Our very own wrangler, Josh, participated in the bull riding event. We took some of our ranch kids, Johnathan, Jalen, and Keith. Josh took us back behind the shoots to check out the activities behind the scenes. The kids got to touch the bulls. Without a bull strap on, they seemed pretty tame, but wow, when they got in the arena, look out cowboys!!! Josh came very close to qualifying in the event finishing at 7.53 seconds. To qualify, you must stay on the bull for 8 seconds. Good thing for Josh, no one else qualified, so he is still in the running for the prize buckle he is working towards. I wasn't able to get a good photo of Josh riding, but he looked good. We had a lot of fun, and the boys would like to go back again.
There was also barrel racing, pole bending, and calf roping. There were a lot of good riders and if they work hard, they could soon enter the pro rodeo. There was a young girl, about 7, participated in the pole pending, and another participated in the race to the barrel, (grandma running with her). The discipline of horsemenship can start at a very young age with the right horse and the drive to press on in the sport. Take a look at some pics by clicking Night Out at The Rodeo.