Two Fridays ago on Y.T. Play Day, the weather was not great. Our first snow flurries! However, we had a few kids willing to bear the cold with the horses and we went out in the arena and played around with the horses. Didn't go out on the field, it was just too cold. Also, the kids came still dressed for summer! The temperature changed so quickly. So, that night we hung aroud in the house and played games and just talked. Chris made soup that night, and after we said grace the kids were in line to get their meal, I announced that Chris finally got some temporary work at Toys r Us. I explained to them how much she cared for them because she told the manager of the store she could not work after 3:00 p.m. on Fridays so she could be here with the kids. After I said that they all ran up to Chris and gave her a big hug. What a joy that was to see!!!
((I'm sure their joy had nothing to do with the fact that if Chris wasn't here on Fridays, that left me in charge of the kitchen and they could starve!!)
This Friday group has become a family to the kids and to us, every time I think about it I get tears in my eyes.
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