Today we tacked up George for the first time since he came to us last week. He is settling in and he has become boss over the herd. We kind of figured that would happen. Leslie, from Equestrian Outreach, told us that he bossed her herd around too. Sometimes this is hard to watch because in our eyes they appear to be mean. However, this is how horse herds do things in their social structure. It is not like humans. It's just the way God designed it. We have to remember they are animals, not humans and they do not think like us. Johnathan has earned the right to be the first Young Traveler to work with George. Johnathan has worked very hard this year at the ranch, and he was pretty excited to be asked to help. George is very short, which makes him less intimidating to beginners, but very strong and round to be able to carry heavier riders. He is going to be a great addition to the herd.
Johnathan groomed him, tacked him up , and rode him with no trouble. What an accomplished day, again! God has really blessed us with all we need to accomplish the work He has given us to do.
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