Bob and Pat brought a group of kids from Southridge Franklin Homes. These kids attended their after school Kids Explosion program this past spring. They won a trip to the ranch for good attendance. We had a great day. It was very HOT, but we had water games to cool everyone off. Some of them never rode a horse before, so this was a big treat for them. They also made a leather project and we had sloppy joes for dinner. These kids will be eligible to win a trip back to the ranch for an over night stay in September. The Kids Explosion Summer program is running a bible memory verse contest and 10 girls and 10 boys will be coming in September. Take a look at the pictures by clicking the link to the right called Kids Explosion.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Southridge Kids Explosion
Bob and Pat brought a group of kids from Southridge Franklin Homes. These kids attended their after school Kids Explosion program this past spring. They won a trip to the ranch for good attendance. We had a great day. It was very HOT, but we had water games to cool everyone off. Some of them never rode a horse before, so this was a big treat for them. They also made a leather project and we had sloppy joes for dinner. These kids will be eligible to win a trip back to the ranch for an over night stay in September. The Kids Explosion Summer program is running a bible memory verse contest and 10 girls and 10 boys will be coming in September. Take a look at the pictures by clicking the link to the right called Kids Explosion.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Salvation Army 7-15-11
Annie brought a few kids from the Salvation Army summer program for a visit Friday morning. What a beautiful morning to take a ride on a horse. The temp was comfortable with low humidity. The kids a good time riding and they played games while they waited for their horse to be ready. The older boys really enjoyed learning how to start, stop, and steer their horse. In a few years, they will be able to join our Young Travelers program. The weather was so nice, that Bill and I took a little ride after the kids left, which is something we rarely get to do in the summer. It was fun being back in the saddle with my hubby by my side!
Take a look at the pics by clicking the link to the right called "Salvation Army".
Monday, July 11, 2011
Brightmoor Garden Group 7-9-11
We had a VERY HOT weekend at the ranch with our dear friends from Brightmoor Michigan. Everyone had a good time despite the weather. We did a few different things this year, like sack races, relay races, and the three legged race. The two chaperons engaged in this activity and almost made it to the finish line without falling over! The races were definitely a favorite. The horses were again amazing even though, I am sure they were VERY HOT as well. We had four Young Travelers graduates work with us this weekend, which was very special to us. This is a hope and prayer of mine that these young people find their gifts and talents here and pursue them. Johnathan and Matthew were wranglers, Darnell was "Dead Eye Bob's" assistant with archery, and Austin did an awesome job helping me in the kitchen. Of all things, Miss Bonny had kitchen duty this weekend! and no one went hungry! Imagine that! Take a look at the pics by clicking the link to the right called "Brightmoor Garden Group".
Aware Shelter 7-8-11
Friday, we had a few kids from the Aware Shelter stop by for a visit. They all got to ride one of the horses and play games with Shaun and Darnell. There were smiles all around! We have fun showing the little ones about the horses, Bill really enjoys teaching how to "drive" the horse. We expect to see them again this summer.
Take a look at a few pictures by clicking the link to the right called "Aware Shelter"
Monday, July 4, 2011
Girls Weekend 6/25/11-6/26/11
We had 10 very active excited girls last weekend! What a great time we had. The weather could not have been better. Not too hot and not too cold. The horses did a great job and and all the girls enjoyed their ride. Erin and Carly were the bunkhouse captains and they had as much fun as the girls. Especially with the water games. Dinner was great and we had campfire fun. Sunday, Janet and Brian came over to worship and engage the girls in the Word. They have been doing a great job!
Take a look at the pics by clicking the link to the right called "Girls camp out 6-25/6-26.
Salvation Army Visit
Last Friday the Salvation Army came for a visit. The weather was cold and rainy, so we didn't get to ride the horses. But, we all a good time anyway. The kids made a leather project, played games, and had lunch. Hopefully next time, the weather will be better. They got to see the animals and get a picture with Little Guy.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Trip to MIS
Our Friday group was invited to go to MIS Speedway for Shot Rats Award Night. Three of our boys attended the after school program, Shop Rats. They all got a chance to ride in a "wheelie car" and also ride in the Pace Car. It was a beautiful car, but went just too fast for me. Ashley insisted that I go with her, and I held my hands over my eyes the whole time!! Bill didn't even want to go.
Take a look at the pics by clicking the link to the right called "Trip to MIS".
Boys Campout 6-111/12
We had our first overnight camp out last weekend. What a great time we had! The weather was great. Not too hot; not too cold. We had a fun group of boys. I think they all had a good time. We had some teens who helped us out and they were great.
While around the campfire, we asked about what was their favorite activity. Most of them spoke "all of it"!
Take a look at the pictures by clicking the link to the right called "Boys Camp out June 11-12.
While around the campfire, we asked about what was their favorite activity. Most of them spoke "all of it"!
Take a look at the pictures by clicking the link to the right called "Boys Camp out June 11-12.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Young Travelers Girls
We have five girls in our new Young Travelers group. The cool thing about this group, is they all come from different high schools. After two weeks, they are getting to know each other and we are all enjoying each others company. Last week we took them on a trail ride and discussed the 7 points out in the field. Nikki was so excited to ride, she couldn't wait. She went on Twiggy and Greg led her around. What a fun night it was. Our discussion was about responsibility and what it means to each girl. They all seem to enjoy what they are doing and look forward to our time together. Tomorrow we will be talking about wisdom
Monday, April 18, 2011
Jackson Family Expo
Saturday we were a part of the Jackson Family Expo at Westwood Mall. It was a good day to be inside; it was very wet outside. I think there were about 20 booths from various non-profit organizations. We each had a healthy snack to give away and an activity for the kids. Our kids were throwing horseshoes and bean bags; if they got a ringer or hold in one, they got a beanie baby of their choice. Ashley (2) and Matt were our teen helpers and they had just as much fun as the kids.
We had a drawing for kids 8-12 to win a trip to the ranch sometime this summer. The kids were pretty excited about that.
Friday Night Fun
Well, haven't written in a while. Bill has finally healed from his surgery and we are back on track with activities at the ranch.
The last few Fridays we had an opportunity to play with the horses. The kids (and myself included) are enjoying getting back in the saddle. The winter was tough on us wranglers and soon to be wranglers!
Friday, Preston got in the saddle for the first time ever!! How exciting! He had a great time and told Bill he doesn't know why he has been staying in the house all the time! Everyone is looking foward nice weather.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Young Travelers - Forgiveness
Tonight we talked about forgiveness. I love this one because we can use the horses to help illustrate. And the weather finally cooperated, so we were able to go to the barn and work with the horses. The kids learned how to groom and saddle. We also showed them a few things to look for on the horses with regards to the health and behavior of the horses. Horses are known to be very forgiving, so I was glad we were finally able to use them to talk about forgiveness. We have one more week with this group. We are really getting to know them and enjoy spending time with them.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Charity Benefit
Wow, did we have a great time, or what??? Last Saturday's benefit was a blast. Everyone had a great time and God truly blessed us. When you look at the pictures, you will see a lot of smiling faces. This year's benefit was even better. Our ranch youth participated in most of it. We were so proud of them. They are amazing kids and every time we are together, I grow to love and respect them even more.
The skits were hilarious and every time we practiced with them, I couldn't stop laughing. Thanks to Jenny Scoby for making sure the kitchen was organized so we all could enjoy a great meal together. The music was awesome. What a Band,What a Band did a great job as usual. Chip's version of "Let it Be" (Lazy B's) is always fun to listen to because he changes the words every time to fit the moment. That is talent!! Thanks Chip, we love you!! Weren't Taylor and Larry wonderful? I can't wait to see what happens with Taylor's gift of music. Chris thought Randy Travis was in the house after Larry was finished. Our hats go off to you Taylor and Larry! I love our string illustration. We cannot do anything without all of you! Thanks so much for your prayers and support. Take a look at the pictures by clicking the link to the right called Charity Benefit. Thanks to Bill Latocki for capturing the event on film!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Monday 1-31-11 Week Three Young Travelers
Tonight the boys worked on their belts, and are ready to stain the leather. We talked about wisdom and what it is and where do they go for wisdom. They all seem to be enjoying the book and reading it. Kathy Latocki also recorded it on CD for those who might not like to read. That has helped a lot with this group.
Next week we will be talking about being a person of action, using Joshua Chamberlain from the Civil War as an example.
Next week we will be talking about being a person of action, using Joshua Chamberlain from the Civil War as an example.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Award
We got a nice surprise last week. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County gave Lazy B's Ranch the 2010 Contributing Organization of the Year award. What a great honor! We hosted 4 different groups of BBBS youth last year. One group was the older kids who are "mentors in training", and in the fall we hosted 3 groups of "matches". They all had a great time. Some of the youth had never ridden a horse before, so that was fun to introduce something new to them. BBBS have been very supportive and we are happy to partner up with them.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Schedule for Overnight Campouts
Here is this summer's schedule for our overnight campouts:
June 11-12
June 25-26
July 9-10
July 23-24
August 13-14
August 27-28 (rodeo trip?)
September 10-11
September 24-25
Just wanted to let you all know ahead of time since we have a limited schedule.
June 11-12
June 25-26
July 9-10
July 23-24
August 13-14
August 27-28 (rodeo trip?)
September 10-11
September 24-25
Just wanted to let you all know ahead of time since we have a limited schedule.
Mark Your Calendars
Our 3rd annual Silent Auction/Dinner is going to be on Saturday, February 26th at 5:00 p.m. at New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship. It should be a great night.
Chip will be playing with "What-a-band,What-a-band", Larry and Taylor Rothman will be singing a couple of favorites, and our very own Darnell is working a song dedicated to the ranch. We have a couple of great auction items for sale, so you don't want to miss this night. See ya!
Chip will be playing with "What-a-band,What-a-band", Larry and Taylor Rothman will be singing a couple of favorites, and our very own Darnell is working a song dedicated to the ranch. We have a couple of great auction items for sale, so you don't want to miss this night. See ya!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The Group
Last night we welcomed Bruce to the group. Bruce is a student at Jackson Community College and is a part the a group called Men of Merit. These guys are awesome. Their main objective is to help the community, especially, the youth to get an education and "be all they can be". We showed him around the ranch and took him to the barn while we fed the horses. Gilbert seemed eager to show Bruce "the ropes". He watched the kids work in the shop with Bill, and then play a game with us in the house. What a fun night. We had Chili Dogs and Chris's famous beans. The kids went outside to play hide and seek. Another fun night!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Week Two Young Travelers - Responsibility
Monday we talked about responsibility. Bill, Kevin, Kyle, Dorrein, and I went to the barn to feed the animals. They picked their horse that they will care for while they are here. They learned which animal gets which feed and took all the hay out for them. They also helped Bill move some hay around the barn. That took some muscle! The boys started to work on their belts and actually some started to tool them. Dinner, was breakfast, pancakes and sausage. We read part of chapter four where Michael (character in the book) spoke to President Truman. Some of the discussion also was a history lesson too. This book is great. Everyone should read it. Next week we meet King Solomon and his wisdom.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Friday was REALLY COLD, so we had to just have fun in the house. Chris had to work, so I cooked dinner again. Everyone survived, (I think?). We played games, some kids worked in the shop and some played the piano, and then some took some pretty silly pictures with my camera. It was a fun night. We had 12 youth here and Bill and I survived the night!!
New Young Travelers Group 2010
Last Monday we started a new group of Young Travelers. We are hosting 4 young men.
It was a great night and looking forward to tomorrow with them. They were assigned the first 4 chapters of the book, "The Young Travelers Gift", by Andy Andrews.
Tomorrow we will be talking about responsibility. The boys will be assigned a horse that they will have to care for the eight weeks they will be here. The weather does not permit us to do much riding during this time. However, the boys can learn about horses just by taking "ownership" for eight weeks. We have a new mentor who has joined us for Young Travelers. His name is Greg, and he has a lot of wisdom to offer the boys. He works at University of Michigan as a tradesman. He loved working in the shop with the boys. They will be making a belt from a "hunk of hide", and possibly a wood birdhouse if there is time. Young Travelers has become a favorite program around here. It gives us a chance to get to know the kids and form trusting relationships with them.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Martin Luther King Celebration
Last Saturday Bill and I took 4 of our Young Travelers boys to the Marin Luther King Celebration at Jackson Community College. What a great night we had. There was a large crowd in the dining room and we sat at a table sponsored by Men of Merit.
Men of Merit is a group of young men at JCC who are encouraging young people to stay in school and get an education. The food was good and there was great music as well. The keynote speaker was a guy named Ken Brown. He has written two books about how he went from living on welfare to being a millionaire! What a great story!!
Megal wanted to meet him, so Bruce (men of merit member) grabbed the boys and took him to meet Ken. He gave them all a big hug, and gave them money to buy his book "Leap of Faith". They were pretty excited about that. We bought the books, and then took them to Ken to sign them. We had so much fun that night. The boys were great and I think they actually paid attention to the speaker. I was really proud of them, like they are my own kids!
Ashley's Snow Horse Sculpture
Last Friday, there was still a lot of snow on the ground. The kids still wanted to go out and play hide and seek, all except Ashley. She wanted to make Bill and I a snow horse sculpture. She did a great job!
Fridays continue to be a fun part of my week. I can let all the "business" of my life go and just sit down and play a game with my new ranch family. It's the best part of my week!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Chess/Checker Tournament
Last Saturday Bill and I took Megal and Dorrein to a chess/checker tournament hosted by our Mentoring Network at the King Center. It was to honor January as Mentoring Awareness month. It was a great day and had a lot of fun. It was more than just chess and checkers. We had lots of board games to play. A few of the kids I know from Kids Explosion came and that was fun. I hadn't seen them for a while. We played a game of Monopoly with them. Dorrein, Megal, Kathleen, and myself played a game of Chinese Checkers. The kids enjoyed that as well. It was just a great day just hanging around the King Center Playing games. Megal won the trophy and he was really excited. This Friday at the ranch, Charlie is going to bring his chess board and play chess with Megal. After the games, Hakim Crampton hosted an open poetry mic. That was really good. He is encouraging people to take the mic, and share their hearts. I took a few pictures, so take a look by clicking the link to the right called Chess/Checker Tournament.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy New Year
Friday we got a lot of snow, but that didn't stop the kids from coming. Our Friday night group is working on a few projects to put in our silent auction. Ashley 2's mom brought warm soup for dinner. It was great. Thanks Anne!!
After dinner, Chris, Dorrein, Amy, and I played spoons and I won!! The rest of the gang went out into the snowy night and played hide and seek. They keep finding new places to hide. The kids really enjoy that part of the night.
A new year has begun at the ranch. Gilbert, Ashley 1, and myself went to the barn to take care of the animals and captured "dinner time in the field". Take a look at a few pics by clicking the link to the right called, "Friday Y.T. 1-7-11".
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