Kids Explosion is back! and running full throttle!! Bill and I are working with Bob,Pat,Tracey, and Brendal at Southridge on Friday nights from 5:00-6:00. We are having a great time with the kids. It's really a great blessing to get there and the kids are waiting for us and ready to help us unload the equipment.
The kids are learning their weekly memory verse and getting their names in a drawing to come to the ranch for a visit. There are other kid parties happening around the city of Jackson on other days. Many kids are being blessed and hearing about God's love. Here is the schedule:
Mondays Interfaith Shelter-4:30-5:30
Tuesdays Arbors at Lakeside -4:30-5:30
Wednesdays Shahan Apartments - 4:30-5:30
Thursdays Chalet Terris - 4:30-5:30
Fridays Salvation Army - 4:30-5:30
Fridays Southridge Park - 5:00-6:00
If you have any questions, or want to help in anyway, please call Wendy at 517-740-8444. God bless you as you help the kids in our community!