We're posting this message from our good friend Wendy Wight, Director of Together We Can Make a Difference in Jackson.
• PRICELESS EASTER BASKETS Would you like to be part of the team who helps provide Easter Gifts to all of Jackson's Nursing home residents? We will be contacting each Nursing Home and matching them with Schools and or Church Youth to make and deliver gifts this Easter. Like to help? Contact Wendy @ 740-8444.
• QUILTING FOR VETS Would you like to see God provide 500 Quilts to our forgotten Veterans? We have many men and women who have served our country and are now in our veteran hospitals or homeless. Lets get a list of first names, and be praying for them as we make each one a gift. Watch God use this expression of love in their lives as only HE can. We are asking God for people to help who love to sew, or who have never tried, but are willing. We are asking God for batting, or blankets to put in the middle. We are asking God for manly fabric for the quilts and the back. Do you have a group who sew together? Would you like to adopt 5, or 10, or 100? Wouldn't it be wild to see on July 4, 2009 a stack of 500 Quilts for these precious ones! Interested in how you can help? Contact Wendy @ 740-8444 or Pam @ 764-3724.
• MONDAY AND THURSDAY SEWING CLASSES We are looking for someone to help direct the sewing at the Wilkins House Mondays and Thursdays. You would need to know some basic sewing to help answer beginner questions, like threading a machine, sewing a straight line, and using a rotary cutter would be a wonderful plus! We have several new comers, and the Vet Quilt project, and are growing. Please come see what fun we are having learning this skill, and using it to benefit others. Questions? Call Wendy @ 740-8444.
• ANGEL FOOD ORDERS/DELIVERIES We are looking for a few people who are willing to help take Angel Food Orders one Friday a month. We have set up a route to cover Jackson from 9:30am-2:30pm usually on the 2nd Friday. We collect Angel food orders, paid by food stamps or money orders to be delivered 2 weeks later by Drivers, who help on one Saturday a month. This is a wonderful way to help people help themselves. With 30 drivers, and 10 order collectors we could deliver groceries to 300 families monthly. If you are interested, please call Wendy @ 740-8444.